Recipe: Ken Dashow's Sweet Avocado Potatoes

Here's a delicious recipe for Sweet Avocado Potatoes using Welch's Frozen Avocados.

  • Bake sweet potatoes for 35 minutes at 400 degrees (remember to use a fork tine all over them)
  • In a food processor: Red pepper, Red onion, Fresh parsley, Black pitted olives, Tomato. Chop finely
  • Defrost frozen avocado and blend into the mixture and add the juice of a fresh lemon
  • Put in the fridge for half an hour
  • Take out the baked sweet potatoes and cut down the middle. Scoop out the center and put into the avocado mixture. Put the new avocado and sweet potato mixture back into the shells and sprinkle feta or white cheddar over the top of all of them
  • Put the potatoes back in the oven until the cheese is melted and browning
  • Serve piping hot.

And voila!

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